supported by Schlumberger


CCBC's New Sponsor!

All the members of CCBC would like to extend a huge welcome to Mr. Charles Claoué who has kindly agreed to be the new sponsor of the Boat Club!

We hope that Mr. Claoué will be able to join the Boat Club at many of it's events throughout the year and enjoy being a part of a thriving College Club.


Mr Charles Claoué (

Mr. Claoué is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon with the National Health Service, and in independent private practice (find more information on the private surgery Mr Claoué is part of here). He is regularly invited to lecture abroad on advanced aspects of cataract and refractive surgery including ophthalmic anaesthesia.

He was awarded an open exhibition in natural sciences to study medical sciences at the University of Cambridge, from where he was awarded the following degrees: BA(Hons), BChir, MB, and MA(Cantab). Whilst at Cambridge, Mr. Claoué became a Churchill Scholar, and won a Clinical Distinction in his Surgery final examinations. He also holds the following degrees and qualifications: MD, DO, FRCS(Eng) and FRCOphth

Mr. Claoué is the owner of "Les Gites de Champagnoux". These are two beautiful Gites in the heart of the Grande Champagne in France, ideally situated for a relaxing holiday in the countryside; cycling and walking in the warm French sunshine, or Cognac tasting in the many Cognac houses in the area. For more information on how to book some time away in one of these stunning French country gites, visit Mr Claoué's web site.




To find out about more about sponsorship of the Boat Club, contact CCBC's Sponsorship Officer, Andy Kimber.


©Churchill College Boat Club - Last updated: 9th October 2001
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